Rinse and Repeat

"Point is, the devil's playbook was in God's hands when Jesus showed up."

WE CAN KNOW the wiles and strategies of the devil. All of them. Do you know why? Because the devil keeps doing the same thing. I'm convinced God made all things new because He was so tired of rinse and repeat.

I mean, that old enemy's used the same playbook so long, he's created a rut. Round and round he goes, running the 10th inning of a game that's been decided eons ago. He's trying to steal homeplate when the Umpire of All Time has called him out already. I mean, he actually thought ... No, I'm not going to snicker. Okay, maybe a little bit ... he actually thought killing Jesus would shut Him up. Yeah, that worked well.

But anywho ... like I said, he’s all rinse and repeat. “Well, if I couldn't fool her with play #12 (I think 15's his tops), then let's try #10 again.” She really liked that one. Doi. Forehead smack. Hey, de-feeted enemy, this looks strangely familiar. Oh yeah, you're still a loser with a capital L.

Okay, okay, someone's reading this slightly horrified because I've said that about the devil. Girlfriend, that snake doesn't know his tail from his chin. Let's go back to Jesus, who the devil COULDN'T KILL, because he COULDN'T get Jesus to sin, so Jesus actually had to deliberately lay down His life. There's that.

Then, we have Jesus in the grave and those dupes the Pharisees, who fell for play #2, "Let's Kill Him", trying to hide the evidence. "We'll just station soldiers at the tomb to keep Jesus' followers from stealing the body." Except wham! The power of God shows up and several angels roll back the stone, knocking the soldiers flat on their buttplates.

Point is, the devil's playbook was in God's hands when Jesus showed up.
Make this one sick. No, heal him. Make this one tormented by a demon. No, set him free. Kill this little girl at a young age. Sigh. No, raise her from the dead. Which is what Jesus did that the Holy Spirit did that morning when the soldiers had to peel themselves off the ground.

Because there stood the Alpha, the beginning, who saw Satan fall like lightning, the Omega, the ending, who created time in order to end time, who set into motion through the love of the Father, the greatest play of all time. The only one which would save humanity. A one-shot chance that was no chance at all but would happen and did happen.

And the enemy, left with his same old series of runs, didn't see it coming.

Nor saw the body of believers who have that same authority, and God's nerves of steel, and access to God's wisdom, which far exceeds anything the devil can cook up. And the same power that raised Christ from the dead now living in them.

The Holy Spirit: Sigh. Suzanne, this is play #4 again.
Me: #4? John 8:44. For he is a liar, and the father of it. Stupid devil! I place this under the blood of Jesus.

“But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” (1 Corinthians 2:7-8)

Chalkboard Image by Stefan Schweihofer from Pixabay

Suzanne D. Williams, Author
