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Because of who He is, Jehovah the Self-Existent One, I have become the temple. |
He restores my strength. He leads me down the right paths for the sake of his reputation.” (Psalm 23:3 NET)
FOR HIS NAME'S SAKE (KJV). For His reputation, He has made me righteous. Because He sent His Son to die as the sacrifice for my sins, because He raised Him from the dead, triumphant over every power of hell and with all authority over the enemy, I have been restored in mind, will, and emotions. Not to simply struggle to exist or to barely get by, not to live an average human life, but because of His victory in me, as His daughter, a born again, Spirit-filled child of God, I will thrive. I will display His greatness in me. I will reflect His glory, and all who see my life will say, "Her God is truly great."
For His name's sake, I will never be forsaken. For His name's sake, I am made wise. For His name's sake, I overcome all oppression of the enemy. Not because of what I have done, but because He did it. Because He is more than enough, I overcome.
For His name's sake, because of who He is, the God of heaven and earth, Jehovah the Self-Existent One, Adonai, Lord of Hosts, El Shaddai, God the Destroyer of Enemies, Because He is Redeemer, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, because He is the Word made flesh which dwelt among us, because He is High Priest, I have become the Temple, filled continually with His very Presence.
For His name's sake, I live an abundant life, and all else, every other power on this earth is beneath my feet. So that all who look at me see Him in His Fullness, therefore, I stand and refuse to look back, His Truth my freedom, His holiness my strength, His words a sword which cuts asunder all wickedness which would destroy me. I am all that He is, His name in me shining for all to see.
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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