"The same life that created all that we see, that organized it from the miniscule cellular detail, the life that made a baby grow inside its mother and knew how she’d feel in that moment she delivered, continues on into a future we, as humans, cannot fully comprehend."
THE FIRST COVENANT in the book of Genesis is a marriage covenant between a man and a woman. The last covenant mentioned in Revelation is a marriage covenant between the Lamb of God and His bride. In between, there is a book about a peasant woman who married a king, another about a woman who married into the Davidic line, and a romance between a king and a woman with words men blush to read. In the Gospels, Jesus is described as the bridegroom 11 times. He mentions children as the kingdom of heaven 11 times. In the Word of God, from start to finish, there are 11 stories about barren women who desire children. In Ephesians, Jesus is the example to husbands of how to treat their wives, going so far as to be willing to give His life.
The love of a man and a woman, their passion for marriage and intimacy, and their wish for children were designed from the beginning, and not tacked on as an afterthought. God desired them. He created the human body in all its finest detail. He knew what would happen to conceive children. He knew what raising them into adults would require. And after sin came into the world, didn’t change His mind, but instead, at the right time, sent His own Son to earth to grow up as one of them. He didn’t regret His choice. He wasn’t afraid it wouldn’t work, despite the fact the woman He chose was a virgin living under the occupation of one of history’s strongest cultural armies.
God designed marriage. He adores children. He hates sin. He loves people.
He loves you. He wants to spend time with you, to talk to you, to share all the wonderful moments of your life, and when the bad things happen, when the enemy throws you a curveball (and there is an enemy) has already provided complete salvation for it. Every ache and pain, difficult relationship, every loss, everything was taken care of when His Son, raised as a man, crucified as a man, died and rose again.
He isn’t on the outside looking in, or way up high looking down. Out-of-touch and unaware of modern lingo, cultural habits, or technology. He planned the future from the beginning, before that moment when He said, “Light be!” He already knew how the story would end. And yet, not end at all. For in Him is eternal life, abundant life. The same life that created all that we see, that organized it from the miniscule cellular detail, the life that made a baby grow inside its mother and knew how she’d feel in that moment she delivered, continues on into a future we, as humans, cannot fully comprehend.
He designed it for us, gave it to us, and is just waiting for you and me to spend it with Him.
He’s prepared a table for us, a banquet, with seats for anyone who will dine with Him, and there, amongst us, takes His place. He is the King at the head of the table, the God who filled it with abundance, the beauty and power of what lives and breathes around it, but more than that, a Father we can talk to, a Friend who listens, the Wisdom to guide us there and back again.
How does that change our behavior? What if we believed in it? What if we asked that question that we’ve been holding on to, and what if He answered just because He will?
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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