THE POTTER BECAME THE POT, in order to be broken and poured out, in order to be mended, made whole, and filled again, in order to collect the pots and fill them with water, in order to turn that water into wine.
The Creator of the sheep became a sheep, in order to become the Lamb that was the Sacrifice, in order to become the Lamb that is on the throne, in order to become the Good Shepherd, in order to create a pasture and gather the sheep to Him.
The Creator became His creation, foreordained before the foundation of the world, in order to create man in His image after His likeness, in order to live as men and die as the Savior of men and redeem them and become King of them.
The Father became the Son, filled with the Spirit, in order to die as the Inheritance, in order to inherit what He willed Himself to have, in order to create a family of sons and daughters made after His likeness and give them the inheritance He had won.
The Father sent the Son to be broken, in order to take on all of our bruises and pains and sicknesses and weaknesses and distresses, in order to carry away all of our sorrows and all of our mental incapacities, in order to take on all of it, in order to be healed of all of it, so that He could become the Healer of all of men.
God built a temple and placed behind the veil His presence, in order to become all things inside the temple, in order to become in the flesh all things of the temple, in order to create man as the temple and fill them with His presence.
The Lord of Hosts became a soldier, in order to defeat the enemy, and raise up an army, dressed in His armor, with His weaponry, and establish forever His victory on the earth.
By Him all things consist, and from Him and to Him are all things. He is the Maker of all things, the Creator of all things. He is the life of all things. He is abundant life and eternal life. He is God of it all.
Photo by ritesh arya.
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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