This word comes in three parts. The latter two visions were given to me on June 23, 2021. But in organizing them for this post, the LORD reminded me of one I had on April 17, 2021, and He wants me to release it.
On that date in April, I saw Mt. Rushmore, but between the presidents, in the center of them was a staircase carved out of the mountain. It was as wide as a football field and ascended to the peak. I was standing at the base of it, a great distance away, looking upward. At the top of the staircase, was a throne, also carved from the mountain. Seated on the throne was Jesus Christ, King of Kings. He wore a white garment with a scarlet sash and had a golden crown on His head, a golden scepter in His hand.
As I said, I was a great distance away, so I couldn’t see His face distinctly, as you would not in a similar situation, but I knew it was Him, and I knew He reigns over this nation, and all the nations of the earth.
On June 23rd, I saw a field of exploding stars in red, white, and blue. In their midst were many American flags. I heard a line from the Star-Spangled Banner, our national anthem. “And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”
The LORD spoke the following: Do you see the bombs bursting? Do you hear the rockets explode? I will do a GREAT MOVE in this hour such as the earth has never seen. As the bombs burst and the rockets go off, the flag of liberty will remain. Greater, it will become a symbol of all you seek to attain. Raise the flag. Wave the flag. Recite your allegiance pledge. Sing the songs of the redeemed from wicked tyrants. For your KING IS COMING with a flaming sword in His lips and a legion of angelic hosts to do battle for the ages. I will not abandon INDEPENDENCE but set it with my seal of victory. Victory is here, saith the LORD OF HOSTS, in the land of the red, white, and blue, in the home of the brave. THE VERY BRAVE. Giants of faith. Eagles of architecture, builders of kingdoms, men and women of spiritual renown. Huge figures in my eyes with great authority over the heavens. Stand tall and be counted among them. Become one of my people of faith in this hour. Don't shrink back. Don't give in to evil pressure. Don't succumb. But stand unflinching and watch MY DELIVERANCE come. From the sky. Watch it RAIN and REIGN on you UNITED STATES.
Also on June 23rd, I had a vision of an old man seated with his arms crossed. He was dressed like a working man in blue jeans and a white t-shirt. He had a scowl on his face and a cigar between his lips. When I asked who he was, the LORD said, “Old Man and the C.” I then asked what the “C” stood for, and He replied, “Culture.”
The LORD spoke the following: The younger generation dishonors the older one. They have no idea what it's like to live through war and economic depression. These are simply stories "old people" tell, not worthy of consideration.
"Times have changed, Old Man. We don't do things that way anymore."
I, the LORD, say, 'You shall.'
I will bring a return to your roots, Generation X, Y, Z. There will come a refreshing of respect for your elders. What are "simply stories" to you were life-changing to them, and a world that forgets where it came from, that ignores those who formed it, and those who went on before, is doomed to repeat its mistakes.
History must be taught in order to be known, and history taught in truth brings respect for those who created it.
The destruction of the family unit as I designed it has slowly brought about this change. Daughters without mothers, sons without fathers, the killing of innocents, and adultery, fornication, and divorce have made the past unteachable. Why would the young want to be like those who brought them to this state? Why repeat the things that destroyed the family?
"Where is our example?" the young ask. "Who am I to be like?"
Be like Jesus who had no lust of the eye, no pride of life, but took on the world system in great power and even greater humility. Turn your eyes toward His example and become sons and daughters of Christ. Resemble Christ and return to the roots of your elders. Return and respect those who went on before. Revive the standards of integrity and honesty. Make an older generation proud to live again. Honor their past and in it, find the grace for your future.
Renew a respect for modesty. For abstinence. And you will strengthen the bonds of marriage. Become the example you should have been set and you will bring those who cheated you of a godly upbringing, back into my kingdom.
The sons will save the fathers. The daughters will save their moms. The young will rescue the older from the hell they have lived in. A child shall lead them. A young one shall take them by the hand and say, "Look here, here is Christ. He loves us all."
Image by Larry White from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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