God sent His Son in the form of the most helpless, innocent of all people – a baby. Not a king riding in, triumphant, ahead of glorious angel armies. Not a warrior, swinging His heavenly battle sword against the corrupt Roman government. But a newborn who needed protection and his parent’s tender care.
Remember, Herod the king tried to kill Him, slaughtering all the male children under two years of age. An adult murdered thousands of helpless children, to protect his selfish agenda. Sounds familiar. (Mt 2:16)
We are told Jesus was tempted in every way like we are. Give that some thought. This includes the trials and temptations of childhood. He was a mischievous toddler, a hormonal preteen, a maturing adult. But, it says, through all of that, He was without sin and, instead, full of the knowledge of God. (Heb 4:15; Lk 2:49)
What hope that gives to parents raising their children. Jesus knows exactly what it’s like to be in their young shoes and, get this, without sinning.
Jesus once said, “Allow the little children to come to me, and don’t hinder them, for God’s Kingdom belongs to such as these.” (Lk 18:16 WEB) Like most Bible passages, these words have a two-fold meaning, One, what we usually say about becoming childlike in our trust in God. But the other, that heaven is FULL of children. That was Jesus’ analogy, after all.
If heaven was full of children then, imagine how full of children it is now. Millions of them, given no other choice. Now remind yourself Jesus was once as tender and innocent as those. He needed the protection and guidance of God-fearing parents to soon become the Savior of the world and willingly lay down His life. Jesus’ incredible sacrifice only happened because He was once a dependent child.
If ever the Father showed His heart for the lives of our babies, He did then, once and for all.
Image by Stephanie Pratt from Pixabay
Suzanne D. Williams, Author
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